
Case Studies

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case studies

Retrofit GIS Install in Older Bus System

Substations often require new equipment to upgrade or expand existing facilities or replace damaged systems. This often requires interfacing to equipment from varying manufactures and technologies of existing equipment.

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case studies

Future GIS Bus System Expansion

Many of the same challenges presented by a retrofit project are also encountered when expanding existing stations. There are various interfaces to be designed and restrictive outages schedules that must be adhered to.

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case studies

High Voltage Bus Vertical Installation

Hydroelectric generating stations often require transmission of power over large vertical distances. Transmitting power at transmission voltages rather than generation voltage, is more economical.

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case studies

High Voltage Bus Elevated Installation

Every station layout design has certain physical boundaries to which the transmission components must adhere. If the space available precludes the use of air-insulated bus and a lack of available land prevents continuous transmission line at ground level or below grade, a high voltage bus elevated installation provides a potential solution.

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case studies

High Voltage Bus Underground Installation

Below grade transmission installations offer the advantage of lower installation costs in open areas. Trenches can be used when crossing roads or installing in areas where water tables are close to ground level.

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