digester services

Digester Services

The industry choice for digester services

Patented duplex stainless welding technology for digester services

WSI’s patented duplex stainless welding technology sets the industry standard for protecting digesters with digester weld overlay. The Unifuse® vessel weld overlay process utilizes a 309 or 312 stainless steel deposit, effectively eliminating solidification cracking typical in conventional 312 welds.

Combatting corrosion in digesters with advanced digester services

Due to increased production demands and environmental process changes, digesters, typically made from carbon steel, face severe corrosion from cooking liquor. Initially developed for field installations, WSI’s Unifuse technology offers fully fused, low-dilution, corrosion-resistant cladding to mitigate this degradation through automated weld metal overlay.

digester services

Continuous digesters: targeted protection with digester weld overlay

In continuous digesters, corrosion-prone areas are identified through periodic thickness mapping. The Unifuse® vessel overlay process applies a 309 or 312 stainless steel deposit to critical wastage zones, adhering to tight maintenance schedules crucial for continuous digester operations.

Batch digesters: enhanced corrosion resistance with batch digester weld overlay

312 stainless steel is used for enhanced protection for batch digesters exposed to more aggressive corrosion. WSI’s Unifuse process, distinguished by its patented duplex stainless welding technology, eliminates solidification cracking seen in conventional 312 welds, setting it apart in the industry.

 Unmatched industry experience and reliability in digester repair

WSI has the largest installed base of digester weld metal overlay in the industry and a solid reputation for safety, quality, and exceptional value.

  • Advanced Duplex Stainless Welding Technology: Eliminates solidification cracking and offers superior protection.
  • Corrosion-Resistant Cladding: Fully fused, low-dilution stainless steel cladding for carbon steel digesters.
  • Targeted Application: Applies 309 or 312 stainless steel deposits to critical areas identified through thickness mapping.
  • Proven Performance: The industry’s largest installed base of digester weld overlay, backed by a reputation for safety and quality.

WSI’s industry-leading solutions ensure the longevity and reliability of your digesters. Our commitment to innovation and excellence makes us the preferred provider for digester service and digester repair.

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