nozzle repair

Nozzle Repair

Onsite solutions for nozzle repair and corrosion prevention

Reliable and cost-effective weld overlay nozzle repair with automated technology and precision

To address challenges such as wall thinning, pitting, cracking, and corrosion/erosion in vessel nozzles, our fully automated weld process and Nozzlefuse™ overlay provide an effective onsite solution. Nozzlefuse ensures consistent quality with the lowest dilution rates and the highest standards, handling nozzles from 2 to 24 inches in diameter.

Nozzlefuse 26: For nozzles 2 to 6 inches in diameter, using the Unifuse® GTAW process for ID weld overlay up to 750 mm in length.

Nozzlefuse 624: For nozzles 6 to 24 inches in diameter, using hot wire Unifuse GTAW for ID weld overlay up to 750 mm in length.

nozzle repair

Advanced Unifuse processes with hot wire TIG technology

Our patented Unifuse processes restore wall thickness and improve the metallurgy of nozzle surfaces, combating corrosion and erosion. By integrating hot wire TIG technology, we leverage efficient automatic welding equipment operated by skilled welders and technicians, ensuring consistent quality and timely, reliable repairs. These processes are ideal for pressure vessel nozzle repair and other critical nozzle services.

Unifuse technology delivers high-quality weld deposits, meeting stringent industry standards and avoiding the high costs of nozzle replacement. This method effectively prolongs the service life of nozzles, making it a highly economical solution for weld overlay nozzle repair.

Ensuring a smooth and efficient liquor recovery process

WSI Black Liquor Nozzles are specialized components designed for liquor recovery boilers in the Pulp and Paper industry. Integrated into OEM designs, these nozzles ensure the correct, laminar distribution of black liquor within the boiler, which is crucial for optimal performance and operational effectiveness.

Aligned with boiler manufacturers’ specifications, WSI Black Liquor Nozzles undergo a unique overlay process using our patented Unifuse 360 automated welding. This process creates a smooth, highly resistant surface, significantly extending its service life and ensuring peak performance and safety.

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